What do we do?
We provide highschool graduates with direct anecdotal online sessions with experts in their field of interest. We call these sessions, pre-training readiness - where upon completion - they will know where to start, with whom to continue, and who to contact for further guidance.
Want to enroll your kids, contact us at
Our Approach
to Education
Interest →
Expert Sessions →
Practical Assessments ↓
Skill Acquisition ↑
← Directed Resources
← Attainable Target
Direct 200,000 African Youth
to Intentionally Chosen Careers by 2040
Sharing expert mentors' path to make the road ahead motivating to pursue
Learning from setbacks of seniors to better adapt for future circumstances
By completing this pre training, you will make actionable decision on what to learn, where to learn it, and how to make the most out of the obtained knowledge